
这里有 answers to the questions we are asked most frequently about 取向 at 西雅图 Pacific. 如果你没有看到问题的答案,你可以发邮件 orientation@hebhgkq.com 或致电206-281-2689.


取向 is a three-day event jam-packed with opportunities for you to meet and engage with your peers; learn all about SPU; meet key faculty, 工作人员, and administrators; and simply acclimate to this new season at SPU.


  • 取向 is a three-day event that starts with 入学 on the Friday before classes start and continues through to Sunday.
  • 今年的日期: 9月27 - 29.
  • 家长和客人迎新会在 星期五,9月. 9月27日和星期六. 28.

Information about the specifics of the orientation schedule will be published soon!

查看赌博十大靠谱软件的 家长和客人迎新计划

学生 在这里注册迎新. 注意: 学生也必须代表他们的客人注册. 

取向是强制性的吗?? 我需要全程参加吗?
所有大一新生和转学生都必须参加迎新会. Our 取向 program is an essential combination of informative sessions to help new students navigate SPU and opportunities to make connections with other new students. All first-year students and new students living on campus are required to attend the full four-day 取向.

对于不能参加周五到周日活动的转学生, 赌博十大靠谱软件提供简短的入职培训 周日,9月. 29, 叫换乘快车.

Parents and guests are encouraged to say goodbye to their students at the conclusion of New Student Convocation on Saturday mid-afternoon

赌博十大靠谱软件不提供补习培训. 如果您对此有进一步的问题或担忧,请发电子邮件 orientation@hebhgkq.com

为了最大限度地发挥新生迎新活动的效益, students and guests are strongly encouraged to check in and move in during their assigned times. 如果因为某种原因你不能在周五报到, 请于下午12:30-5:30到马丁广场的迎新中心.m. 星期五上午9点.m.–5 p.m. 星期六,或上午11点.m.-4 p.m. 周日.


Our professional and student 取向 工作人员 will be able to answer any questions you or your guests have while on campus! 迎新工作人员将于周五在校园内提供协助 上层Gwinn ,并将驻守在马丁广场的迎新中心 在12:30-5:30之间.m. 周五,  9 a.m.–5 p.m. 星期六和上午11点.m.–4 p.m. 周日.


  • 如果你需要任何住宿,除了入住时间(学生), 父母, 和客人), 请电子邮件 orientation@hebhgkq.com.
  • 先前住宿的例子包括轮椅无障碍设施, 口译服务, 预留的座位, 等.
  • 请注意:赌博十大靠谱软件不能容纳新的或改变入住时间.

取向 Leaders are students who volunteer their time to lead new groups of students through the three-day 取向 program. They have been trained during the summer to ensure you will have a successful transition into college life.

秋季学期开始上课 周一,9月. 30. 

如果有任何问题,请发邮件 orientation@hebhgkq.com 或致电206-281-2689与学生参与和领导办公室联系.



  • 所有学生(一年级和转学学生)都必须支付150美元的迎新费, which will be charged directly to their student account regardless of what program they attend.
  • 此费用包括迎新餐, 供应, t恤, 活动, 以及其他与迎新相关的费用.
  • 家长或客人无需额外付费. A portion of the fee covers the costs of the 家长和客人迎新计划.

如果我不参加每一个活动怎么办? 我还需要付钱吗?
All students (first-year and transfer) will be charged a 强制性的 $150 orientation fee — charged directly to their student account — even if they do not attend the program in its entirety.

家长或客人无需额外付费. A portion of the fee covers the costs of the 家长和客人迎新计划.

我在哪里支付参加迎新培训的费用? 这是附在我的注册表上的吗?
迎新费用将直接记入学生的账户, and it should be charged to the student’s account by the first billing cycle in Autumn Quarter.


我什么时候可以搬进来? 搬家那天会发生什么?

  • If you are living on campus, you will be able to move in 9月5日星期五ember 27, between 8:30 a.m. 和1p.m.
  • 七月中旬至八月中旬, 住在校园里的学生将通过电子邮件收到他们的住房分配.
    • Residential students with last names starting with A–L are invited to check in and move-in from 8:30-10:30 a.m.
    • Residential students with last names starting with M–Z are invited to check in and move in from 10:30 a.m.-12:15 p.m.
  • 在您选择的办理登机手续的时间,您可以在 上层Gwinn 然后进入你的居住区域开始入住程序.
  • When you first arrive on campus, park in one of our open parking lots (Dravus or Ross Lot, 校园地图上的45号和51号),然后前往上格温的迎新登记处办理入住手续. 
  • 在您办理登机手续之后, you will be directed to your respective living area and greeted by a student volunteer who will give you a 45-minute parking pass. You will then be directed to park in a designated parking space near the living area.
  • 在你把你的东西搬到你的生活空间之后, you will be asked to move your car to the designated parking lot — Dravus or Ross lots, 校园地图上的45号和51号 -为下一波新生提供更多空间.
  • 请注意:如果你不是住在校园里, 邀请你在12:15- 1:1之间到上格温报到.m. 9月5日星期五. 27.


有针对家庭和客人的节目吗? 父母们什么时候才算正式结束?

  • 是的! Parents and guests are invited to help their student move in, if their student is living on campus. 在入学, there will be open houses with faculty and 工作人员 from offices across the university — watch for them in the afternoon. We then invite you to a Welcome Dinner that evening, catered by a local Mexican restaurant.
  • Parent and Guest 取向 is a one-day program that runs concurrently with the student program on Saturday morning. 家长和客人迎新活动以一顿清淡的欧陆式早餐开始 上层Gwinn 会议上午9点开始前.m. The parent and guest programming concludes Saturday afternoon after New Student Convocation.
  • 在这里查看详细的日程安排.
  • 家长和客人指导不是必须的,但鼓励, 特别是如果这是你的第一个学生. 


  • SPU网站上有该地区推荐的酒店和企业列表. 请 访问此页面 了解更多信息.


  • Family and guests are registered by their student on the student’s registration form. 如果需要更新, students can access their form via the link provided in their registration confirmation email to change guest information.


  • 9月27日星期五的午餐,你可以自己吃,不过赌博十大靠谱软件鼓励你这么做 查看校内餐饮选择
  • 家长和客人的餐点如下:




  • 你可以把车停在德拉乌斯和罗斯停车场(校园地图上的45号和51号)
  • 如果你要让你的学生住进他们的校内宿舍, you will be given a 45-minute parking pass for the specialized parking lot located nearest your student’s living area.


  • 在方向, all private SPU parking lots are free for new students and their guests to park in. However, the University reserves the right to remove vehicles that are parked improperly. We recommend that guests use university lots rather than parking on the street in our surrounding neighborhoods. 如果家庭或学生选择在城市街道上停车, 赌博十大靠谱软件鼓励你密切注意停车标志.
  • If you’re a new student who wants to park on campus during the academic year, a permit is required. 这是 有关停车许可证的资料.


学生的膳食计划什么时候开始? 迎新期间是否包括餐费?

  • Breakfast and lunch are on your own during move-in and check-in 9月5日星期五ember 27.
  • Friday dinner and Saturday breakfast and lunch are provided for 父母 and guests of incoming students. 
  • 取向 will cover all meals for new students who are attending 取向 from Friday evening through Sunday.



  • 赌博十大靠谱软件的运动员经常在不同的位置移动. 请和你的教练商量好具体的入住日期和时间.
  • 学生运动员仍需在 上层Gwinn 在周五指定的报到时间. 取向 check-in will provide you with important information that you will need to know for the duration of our program.


  • 和你的主管商量好具体的入住日期和时间.
  • 学生仍然需要在 上层Gwinn 在周五指定的报到时间. 取向 check-in will provide you with important information that you will need to know for the duration of our program.

我是一名国际学生. 我需要参加两个迎新会吗?

  • 是的. 这两个项目的出席率都是 强制性的. 国际取向 is a tailored program to meet the requirements of the F-1 visa as well as providing opportunities to connect with more international students.
  • 取向 is a three-day event jam-packed with opportunities for you to meet and engage with your peers; learn all about SPU; meet key faculty, 工作人员, and administrators; and simply acclimate to this new season at SPU
  • 国际学生 will be given their general 取向 materials during International Student 取向 and will not need to check in on Friday for New Student 取向. 一般迎新节目将于下午开始 星期五,9月. 27.