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My Identity Abroad

Busan Homes
In an effort to increase access to study abroad for all Seattle Pacific University students and to better prepare students for their experience overseas, the Study Abroad office recommends students use the compiled lists of external resources to find out more about navigating your identity abroad and consult country-specific diversity resources. Our goal as an office is to help historically underrepresented students fulfill their dream of studying abroad, if you have further questions, please reach out to our office at  

Faith and Religion
  • What are the dominant denominations or religions in my host country?
  • Are certain religions illegal or stigmatized in my host country?
  • How important is practicing my religion abroad to me? Are there active local mosques, temples, churches, etc. that I could join or visit while overseas?
Learning and/or Mobility Differences
Mental Health
  • What are some coping strategies or techniques that I can employ that would help me in transitioning to living in a new country and culture?
  • How transparent am I willing to be with support staff or instructors in my host country regarding my mental health?
  • What support or resources does my study abroad partner program or host university have for students (counseling and mental health professionals on staff, contacts in the local community, group therapy options for students, etc.)?
  • GoOverseas - How to Deal With Depression While Studying Abroad
  • Managing Bipolar Disorder Abroad

  • What are the cultural norms or expectations regarding gender identity and expression in local culture? 
  • What, if any, similarities or discrepancies are apparent between the U.S. and the host country regarding gender? Can I expect to be treated similarly or differently based on my gender? 
  • Have there been any recent reports of gender-related acts of bias or crime in my host country or city (i.e., sexual assault, harassment, etc.)? 
  • Pathways to Safety
  • Women Abroad
  • Information for Women Travelers - U.S. Department of State

Race and Ethnicity